Mr. Tyler currently serves as Director of Assistive Technology at Leonard Cheshire where he has responsibility for policy, support and implementation of assistive technology solutions, services and innovations inside and outside of the organisation. He has a history of innovating sustainable and life-changing products in the accessibility arena from leading the team that developed ground-breaking synthetic speech (leading to the voice of Alexa), through to accessible TV, mobile devices, payment systems and on-line web and app accessibility initiatives. He led on the development of HTML, in the early days of the web, and more recently on EPUB and publication accessibility, data transformation processes and the creation of business to business services that deliver these. He collaborates with key players in the technology market as part of the Google Accessibility Strategy Board, the Microsoft accessibility steering group, and as a programme lead for the annual M-Enabling Summit held in Washington DC. He engages with local and international government entities on policy, with UK and European standards agencies, and is active in the broader area of accessibility to everyday goods and services. At present he is working on an enabler platform through which assessment of user needs using artificial intelligence can be carried out, on innovation in the health technology sector around monitoring and safety, and advocates at parliamentary level for new processes that allow potential users to obtain assistive devices and services. He has a background in clinical psychology, an M.B.A from CAS business School, and an interest in organisational behaviour.